Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Modeling, modeling, modeling...

I had hoped to update this during the term at some point, but here I am, the Monday of finals week :/ Ah well.

At top is my original concept art for my organic modeling final: a lion-man hybrid with wings. Just below it is the realization so far in ZBrush. There's plenty left to be done (including the wings (yikes)) and his hair and equipment), and that's just in ZBrush. I'll need to get everything into Maya, light it, animate it and render it by Wednesday morning. One can bet I'll be spending plenty of time in the good ol' labs until then!

Final turntables will be placed here, I promise. So stay tuned...all one of you.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer Term

Classes have slowed down, but work continues on! The Dragon midterm (tentatively titled "Arrival") is in the final stages, just awaiting a score and completed sound design. My Robot Theatre final ("0014") only needs some rerendered shots and a soundtrack, although getting around to actually doing it is difficult. Otherwise I've been plowing away at some side work and classes (including Organic Modeling). Completed models and things I'm happy with will be posted on here. Cheers!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Time to Relax...

And so the term finally comes to a close. It was a hectic one, with lots of excellent work, but in the end it was all worth it. Of course there are things to be revisited and polished (most notably our midterm animation and my final, 0014, seen above), and I would've loved to bang those out during our week off (as rendering would've be a cinch) but they're revamping the labs-- so instead I'm helping out with that!

Sound design work on both shorts is being done by Pete Nichols, and hopefully there will be an accompanying score once Drew Stoltzfus returns from his trip to Europe (lucky bastard). In any case, I hope have these pieces showcased on the web before the end of Summer (fingers crossed). Time shall tell...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Finals Week

The weekend before Finals is always a fun one filled with stress and fear...and the labs (although I suppose they're synonymous). My Robot Theatre piece is coming along at a good pace-- I have no fears that I'll be rushing it at the end. I have various other assignments due within in the next few days (including Gaming, Typography, and Web :/). Gaming and Typography are pretty much completed, but I have my doubts about Web-- our programmer has been a bit flakey in the past week or so. In any case, it'll get done.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Renderman Licenses...

Progress continues. 0014 has been rigged and textured and is ready for...cleaning. The environment is progressing, although Renderman licenses are sometimes hard to find due to Render Farm issues. If only there were more hours in the day...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Robot Theatre

Hello, and welcome. I've never done this whole blog thing before, so forgive me if I'm terrible at it-- a likely probability!

In any case, I created this space to document the processes behind my work, if not for anyone but myself. In fact, if no one ever visited this site, it would make little difference-- I merely want to keep a record of my work that I can one day look back on. In the extremely unlikely chance that someone other than myself is reading this, please enjoy! I hope my work can inspire you, or, at the very least, entertain you.


I'm currently starting up work on my Animation II "Robot Theatre" project. I'm excited for the piece, although (as with all things) I wish I had a longer timeline to work on it-- four weeks is a bit tight :/

This is 0014 (or whatever his name will eventually be). It's a basic concept sketch that was born from a few ideas and inspirations thrown together. There are a multitude of pages filled with various potential robot designs, but I would rather not bore you with all of them. I might proceed with more concept art (a phase I love to toy around with), but with the timeline of our project being so narrow, I'd rather spend that time modeling, texturing and animating.

I'm also busy with various other class projects and out-of-class projects. I'll be updating in the near future about some of those, and also about our recently completed midterm project, which turned out great (I worked with Nate Shaw and Kev Gross). When various sound design work and a few reworked shots are completed, it'll be posted on the web for all to enjoy.